Saturday, August 31, 2019

Literary analysis of “Huckleberry Finn” and “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

Many writers have used their talents to influence the way a generation thinks, but few writers have had the same remarkable influence as Mark Twain. Ernest Hemingway coined, â€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry is the novel from which all modern American literature comes from. † Even today, Twain Is mostly acclaimed for his masterpiece, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The book draws on Twain's memories of his boyhood in Hannibal, Mo. , the knowledge of the Mississippi River that he had gained as a pilot, and his 20 years of experience in creating fictional character and adventure (Covici 1). Twain rushes Huck into encounters that allow the reader to portray pre–Civil War life along the Mississippi as well as to present the moral complexities of a boy's growing up outside of society’s reach on the Mississippi River (Covici 1). In his books, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Twain provides insight into the pre-civil war time through his clear depictions of southern society’s ignorant and discriminatory notions. Although at first the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, was roundly denounced as inappropriate for readers, it is considered to be one of the most important works of literature in American history through its condemnation of society. Mark Twain accurately portrays a hypocritical American society by highlighting its rigid ideals regarding civility as well as its ignorant perspective regarding morality shown through immoral use of slavery, institution of religion, and characters. One way in which Twain accurately portrays the pre-civil war South is through his criticism of society’s immoral use of slavery. During the pre-civil war time, slavery had become a prominent aspect of southern life, where slaves were expected to unquestioningly obey their masters or else there would have been consequences such as physical beatings and whippings to face. Thus slavery had become a way of life for Southern African Americans. With the booming cotton industry, the South gradually became dependent on the use of slavery. Slavery provided significantly cheap labor to help produce cotton. Gradually slavery became a socially acceptable practice. Moreover, in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck Finn, the protagonist, finds nothing immorally wrong about slavery since slavery was a part of everyday life in the South. This reflects on southern societies ignorant and hypocritical views by slavery were widely accepted, despite being an act of injustice and servitude (Grant 3). Often in satire, writers will use the internal conflict of a character to symbolically criticize the values and morality of society. Likewise, Twain reflects on society’s hypocrisy through Huck’s inner conflict (Cox 6). Huck, though liberates Jim, never accepts it as a moral deed but rather a sin due to the mindset during that time. Huck liberating Jim is rather seen as an act of rebellion against society and its defined set of laws defining one as ‘civilized’ (Grant 4). To further explain, Huck is conflicted whether to free Jim or sends him back to Miss Watson, his rightful owner (Grant 3). To further expand on this, Huck quotes in Huckleberry Finn, â€Å"Well I can’t tell you it made me all trembly and feverish, too, to hear him, because I began to get it through my head that he was most free – and who was to blame for it? Why, me. I couldn’t get it out of my conscience, no how nor no way. †(Twain 84) This exemplifies Huck’s guilt as he feels he committed a misdemeanor aiding Jim in his crime; escaping slavery. Huck here feels an obligation to the white society of which he is a member of, thus explaining as to why he feels as if he is robbing Jim from Miss Watson (Pullen 2). Overall, Twain here makes a strong statement, through Huck, about the way people regard slavery as anything but immoral and ruthless, portraying the hypocrisy of society’s ideas regarding civility, as a civil person would never consider of keeping a human being chained to such inhumane treatment or practicing slavery as acceptable. Other than Huck, the Dauphin and Duke, two con artists, are shown to provide the final demoralizing generalization as they question who stole their money, during the WIlk incident. The Wilks incident was when the Duke and Dauphin plan to rob three girls of their money that they inherited after the recent death of their father. The Duke and Dauphin pretend to be the girls’ uncles from England while playing with the girls’ emotions just to gain their inheritance however when both are ready to escape with all the girls’ inheritance, the money goes missing. Consequently, the first suspect is Jim. Furthermore, the Duke states, ‘Do you reckon a nigger can run across money and nor borrow some of it. †(Twain 175). The Duke is declaring outright that blacks are thieves explaining why he first suspects Jim as the thief, despite Jim’s good hearted nature (Taylor 6). The irony of the duke and dauphin, who are a part of this white society, are frauds themselves yet they’re pointing fingers at an innocent man due to his race and color symbolizes the hypocrisy of southern society. Another example of society’s hypocrisy concerning civility and stiff ideals is toward the end of the novel, where Tom was wounded by a bullet and Jim declares that if the situation were reversed, Tom would presumably return to society and get a doctor to aid Jim. This causes Huck to think â€Å"he (Jim) was white inside, and I reckoned he'd say what he did say- so it was alright now, and I told Tom I was a-going for a doctor† (Twain 263). This demonstrations how Huck has still not escaped the pervading influence of beliefs that people who are â€Å"white inside† are actually those who care and respect each other, while slaves aren’t. Huck symbolizes the rational held against blacks in white southern people’s minds. The rational that white people were more humane and pure than blacks. Twain makes a point through irony to exhibit that though white people considered themselves more humane they still practiced slavery, an immoral act. In conclusion, Twain represents a hypocritical southern society where white people weren’t as civilized as they thought they were. Furthermore, Twain criticizes the hypocritical Southern society regarding morality through the institution of religion. During the 1800s, slavery was seen as an acceptable act not only in the eyes of society but also religion (Taylor 3). Religion was a major influence during the pre-civil war era defining morality and what was acceptable during that time. During slavery in America, this superficial Christian code labeled blacks as the epitome of incivility, thus justifying their mistreatment† (Taylor 5). This further explains how many people would justify slavery through religion, which considered as a pure holy belief that promotes justice, thus portraying the hypocrisy of society. For example, Twain denounces religion through Huck, as Huck is shown to ridicule the Christian faith of Miss Watson and Widow Douglas. To explain this further, Huck states, â€Å"I said to myself, if a body can get anything they pray for why don’t Deacon Winn get back the money he lost on pork? Why can’t the widow get back her silver snuff box that was stole? Why can’t Miss Watson fat-up† (Twain 10). Through Twain’s satirical humor he challenges the behaviors and tenants of Christianity by Huck’s begging the question â€Å"if there is that much power in praying, then why didn’t what we wished for come true? † (Twain 33). Twain once again criticizes the fact that that praying isn’t going to help you get something, because society during the pre-civil war time strongly believed in religion initiating society to be more spiritual rather than practical. Mark Twain creates characters like Miss Watson and Widow Douglas who, although are morally correct and religious, believe that slavery is necessary for life. Miss Watson, who helps raise Huck in the beginning of the novel, is someone who isn’t bothered the least of keeping slaves. While growing up with the slave trade, she became accustomed to the use of slavery; finding nothing immorally wrong with it. However the fact that she cannot perceive right from wrong, such as keeping and selling slaves, contributes to her uncivilized behavior like many other characters, thus representing an entire society. An example is after Jim escapes from Miss Watson’s home, as he overhears her planning to sell him for eight hundred dollars, thus he sets out on his journey to freedom with Huck he states, â€Å"pecks on me all de time, en treats me pooty rough† (Twain 38). This displays how though Miss Watson is always trying to civilize Huck and set him on the right path to a religious civilized lifestyle, yet treats Jim very poorly. In essence, Miss Watson demonstrates society’s hypocrisy regarding morality once again, as she treats one human being, (Huck), with care and other human being (Jim) with little to no regard as if property. Not to mention In the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Twain uses humor to denounce Sunday school, an institution of religion, for making children memorize Bible verses for a measly Bible as a reward. To further expand, Tom states, â€Å"How many of my readers would have the industry and the applications to memorize two thousand verses even for a Dore Bible? And a boy of German parentage had won four or five (Bibles). He once recited three thousand verses without stopping; but the strain upon his mental faculties was too great. Furthermore, Tom relates the story of a German boy who â€Å"had once recited three thousand verses without stopping† and afterward suffered a nervous breakdown (Twain 56). In calling the boy’s collapse â€Å"a grievous misfortune for the school† as the school relied on the student to perform for guests to increase the reputation of the school, Twain implies that the students are memorizing verses not for real spiritual growth but for the sake o f making their teachers and superintendent look good. Additionally, Twain criticizes the institution of religion, by condemning religious ideals through his novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by juxtaposing Huck’s moral development outside of church (Taylor 2). Though Huck still recognizes all the deeds he has committed during the novel, for instance liberating Jim, a sin, he is still shown to be courageous, virtuous, and gain the ability to forgive in contrast to the upbringing by Widow Douglas and Miss Watson’s through societal conformity and stiff ideals regarding morality. The institution of religion was the basis for morality in everyday life in the pre-civil war time, yet it makes the reader question the moral judgment of people during that time. Twain’s critique on the institution of religion analyzes the failure of religion to demonstrate to the morals they teach, indirectly criticizing southern society for their hypocritical views regarding morality. Moreover, Mark Twain also represents society’s hypocritical views regarding civility during pre-civil war time through other characters that Huck and Jim meet along their journey on the Mississippi River. As Huck and a runaway slave, Jim, rowed their raft along the Mississippi River, into the heartland of slavery in North America, Twain was enabled to achieve a realistic portrait of American life in the 19th century (Mark Twain 2). Along their journey on the raft, Huck and Jim met many people which symbolized society’s so called sophisticated civilization as anything but courteous. The first people they meet are the Grangerfords, a humble family at first but soon are revealed to be aggressive and immature. In this case, Huck states, â€Å"Human beings can be awful cruel to one another† (Twain 206). Huck states this during the Grangerford and Shepherdson huge fight, reflecting on how human beings could be so awful to one another over such petty issues. (Dendinger 8) To expand, Huck observes a lack of social grace in people like the Grangerfords who are born into high class families and live a perfect conservative blissful life, yet seem so immature. Their immaturity is seen when The Grangerfords have an on-going family feud with their neighbors the Sheperdsons, despite both sides not knowing how the feud started. When one of the Grangerfords’ daughters elopes with one of the Shepherdson’s sons, the end result is a violent shootout between both families. Huck joins two Grangerford boys during one of the shootouts and â€Å"the (Sheperdson) men run along the bank shooting at them and singing out ‘Kill them, kill them! ‘† (Twain 103). The Shepherdson’s are too consumed by their anger that they are unable to see what they have become. Both families use violence to resolve a matter which could have been also resolved legally rather than such chaos. Society’s way to take matters in their own hands while using violence as an answer depicts southern society’s cruelty and ruthlessness. To expand on all this, Twain demonstrates a society that pursues violence to resolve issues while filled with greed and corruption, all the qualities a civilized society lacks. Twain effectively illustrates society’s hypocritical views regarding civility through the trip along the Mississippi River as it symbolizes the inherent greed present in society. The most prominent part of their trip along the Mississippi River was listening to Sherburn’s speech, , in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, that took place after Colonel Sherburn displays cold blooded and ruthless characteristics as he shoots a drunk man for no apparent reason. Colonel Sherburn starts when a mob comes to lynch him, â€Å"The idea of lynching anybody! It’s amusing. The idea of you thinking you had pluck enough to lynch a man! Because you’re brave enough to tar and feather poor friendless cast-out women that come along here, did that make you think you had grit enough to lay your hands on a man? Why, a man’s safe in the hands of ten thousands of your kind- as long as it’s daytime and you’re not behind him. † In this case, Twain suggests that true courage is to do the right thing, but most men will not stand up for the right thing. In fact, â€Å"Southern justice† as Twain points out, is often committed by a gathering of cowards who hide their faces and become judge, jury and executioner. Sherburn can stand up to the multitude because no one in the crowd has the courage to defy him. Courage is standing in the face of evil and defeating it, but Sherburn points out that no one is willing to do that. If you expand the idea, Twain is indirectly referring to slavery and the treatment of blacks. . He is suggesting that Huck's actions, although slow in evolving, suggest that courage can be found if we are willing to defy social norms or great crowds and do what our conscience tells us is right. That is why when Huck stands up to the program that society has laid out for the treatment of slaves, and says that he would â€Å"go to hell† rather than see Jim returned to slavery, it is in keeping of the colonel's definition of courage (Dendinger 8). In essence, sherburn’s speech condemns society of its hypocrisy of being something it’s not, not to mention also portraying a society following rigid ideals, such as societal conformity and bondage that keeps them from moving forward. Overall, the journey along the Mississippi River symbolized a southern society that lacked the qualities of a civilized society while exploring the hypocritical views society pertains about civility. Blinded by their ignorant view of â€Å"civilized† society, the people seen throughout Huck and Jim’s journey, are unable to settle disputes without violence, incapable to depict right from wrong yet create rules and laws defying logic, and practice slavery and degrading a race with religion back then giving way; verifying that their â€Å"sophisticated† society is more of an illusion than a reality. Twain demonstrates an accurate portrayal of southern society during the pre-civil war time by the racial oppression that was present during that time. Blacks were degraded constantly while denied of freedom and liberty, defining southern society’s rigid ideals and hypocritical view of morality. Along with racial oppression was present was the basis of institution of religion that also demonstrated the hypocritical view of morality. (Valkeakari 2) In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the Mississippi River symbolized the hypocritical view society retained regarding civility. From hypocritical view on civility to racial oppression, all helped to accurately depict the pre-civil war era. , Twain brings out a message from the outsets of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, condemning society of its hypocritical deed of being this so called sophisticated morally correct society. Twain attacks the mindless acceptance of values that he believed kept the South in its dark ages during the pre-civil war era, in result restricting the South to move forward and advance towards success (Grant 4).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Macbeth †Directing Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2 Essay

From the director’s point of view, this scene is very dramatic because of the impact on Macbeth’s decision in Act 1 scene seven. In this scene Macbeth almost decides that he has talked himself out of killing the king, but his wife Lady Macbeth has other plans and forces him into a decision that will lead to the death of the king. This affects the two scenes I will be directing because in these two scenes the decision is put into practice when Macbeth kills the king. So I have to direct the two crucial scenes that see the king murdered by Macbeth. The setting for act two scene one is in Macbeths castle. It is dark and Banquo and Fleance are in the courtyard discussing what time of day it is, and as to whether it is past midnight or not. They work out what time it is by seeing if the moon is down, and then the candles are blown out. Now it is at this point large gusts of wind are heard howling throughout the castle with thunder and lightning clashing down around the audience. Owls are heard calling and all manner of nightlife is heard. This effect is used so that the audience are made intense and unaware as to what is happening next and to create tension. The sounds would be achieved through sound effects being played over the speakers and sharp, crisp lighting would be used to symbolise the lightning. A background tune will be played very lightly to create a mood so scary it will keep the audiences fixed to the stage from the edges of their seats. When Macbeth meets Banquo, Macbeth tells him that he is sorry for not being as good a host as usual and Banqou reassures Macbeth that he has been an excellent host to the king. Then he brings up the subject of the witches. He says that he dreamed of the weird sisters the night before, and tells Macbeth â€Å"To you they have showed some truth.† Macbeth replies, â€Å"I think not of them†, which is a deliberate lie. It is true that we haven’t heard him mention the witches, but he has been thinking of nothing except how to make the prophecies come true. If I was the director I would introduce Macbeth by letting him enter from right and to walk on quietly, sneakily in fact with only soft dull lighting to imitate the moon light. He would be wearing a long black smock to represent the fact he was upset or in regret that he was about to commit a terrible deed. The black would be used because it is traditionally the colour of the night and Macbeth had to blend into the background and move like the night in order not to be spotted or noticed. Banquo would be wearing red pants and a silver lightweight vest created out of steel with the imprinted cross of Scotland on the vest. He would be wearing a polished steel helmet with a sword placed neatly in its pouch, left hanging on the brown leather belt fastened around his waist. He would also have a spear in his hand with a long shaft that would also be used as a walking stick. He would be dressed like this because as a general protecting Duncan king of Scotland he would be expected to wear the kings finest military uniform. As a director I would expect Macbeth to deliver his lines to Banquo in a nervous manner. I would have him stutter and muddle up his words he would also jolt and pause in mid-sentence to give the impression to the audience he is unsure and nervous as to the crime he is about to commit. The lighting in this part of the play as I have already touched on would be dull yet crisp to create a sense of atmosphere and to create a mood, which would help Macbeth, deliver his lines. The torchlight the servant would be carrying at this point would be quite sharp and a glowing effect would be used to create the fire effect. Macbeths facial expressions would be few and far between because I would want him to be pale and blank faced so that it looked like he had other things on his mind, more important and life threatening things. At the opening of Act 2 scene two, Lady Macbeth is stood near to Duncan’s room waiting for Macbeth to return. At this point, I would want to emphasise the crime that is about to be committed and to create strong tension between the audience and the stage. Ideally the audience would be sitting focused, eyes fixed on the events and I would want them to feel a sense of danger and betrayal the moment Macbeth kills the King. The effects used to create this feeling would be sudden cold gusts of wind lashing through the audience. A strong gust of smoke would slide swiftly along the surface of the stage creating a dark musty atmosphere. Sharp lightning would be seen jolting over the stage with deep blasts of thunder to follow. Lady Macbeth would be dressed in a long silk red dress to represent betrayal and guilt even though she does not show any. When Macbeth returns with the daggers, I think it would be a dramatic moment, so I would chose to have a powerful spotlight focusing on Macbeth as he staggers across the smoke filled stage to his wife. My decision for this is that I would like the whole audience to be fixed to Macbeth’s every movement. I would want this because I would want the audience just to think about him and the crime that he was just committed. Makeup would be used on Macbeth to make him look like a ghost he would be completely white except for the small dashes of red on his face that would represent the kings blood. His hands and the area around his waist would be completely covered in blood to give the impression that he had hacked the king to pieces. At the opening of act two scene one, Macbeth is confident that he is ready to kill the king. When he tells the lie to Banquo that he has given no more thought to the witches predictions, he should deliver these lines with a certain stutter including repeating and missing out some words. He would also stop and jolt in mid sentence. I think he should speak like this because it makes the audience think he is not sure about what he is about to do and he isn’t sure as to whether he can or not. When Macbeth hallucinates he thinks that there is a dagger before him and he reaches out for it and of course can’t grasp it. Macbeth is not sure, and wonders whether it is ‘A dagger of the mind, a false creation’. If I was the director, I would make Macbeth say these words with confidence then I would make him sound confused as to what he was saying. To give the impression his mind was thinking one thing but common sense was thinking about something else. As Macbeth speaks of the ‘bloody business’ and how ‘ wicked dreams abuse/the curtained sleep,’ he appears much more confident. To indicate this, I would make him start of whispering the lines then slowly increasing the sound so by the time he had delivered the lines he was screaming them from the rooftops. I would expect his face to be blank, a dark spotlight would be shining on him, as he started shouting his lines he would smile and the spotlight would be turned up, eventually when he had finished Macbeth would be smiling, and the spotlight would be shining brightly. After Macbeth has murdered the king and he returns with the bloody daggers, he seems to be nervous and edgy. His repeated question ‘who’s there? What ho?’ indicates this. I would show this by making Macbeth speak his lines in a slow, shallow majestic voice with the words flowing slowly but surely one after the other with a short silent pause between each precious word. Macbeth considers the enormity of the crime that has been committed, and is terrified, as he knows that he can never be forgiven. He stresses how he could not say ‘Amen’ after the murder, and how he thought that they heard a voice cry ‘ List’ning their fear, I would not say ‘Amen’, when they did say ‘God bless us.’ To make this point more dramatic, I would chose to make Macbeths voice cry lightly and sharp frequent drops of water would be seen running across his chin and dripping onto the stage. It would sound like he was in pain with sudden shrieks lashing through the audience as though he wants everyone to experience the heart breaking pain that he is going through. After the murder, Macbeth says ‘I am afraid to think what I have done /look on’t again I dare not.’ Perhaps Macbeth does feel genuine remorse for his crime, or maybe he is more afraid about what will happen to his soul when he dies. I think that he does show some genuine remorse because I think deep down he didn’t want to kill Duncan but was in fact talked into by his wife and has now noticed the error of his ways. I could show this by making him drop to his knees and holding his head in his hands crying out for mercy from God. In act two scene one, I would choose to have Banquo to speak in a stern but tired way, as he is Macbeth’s friend. I would indicate to the audience that he is honest by making sure that he is looking loyal and worthy along with proud and upstanding when he is speaking to another character. Throughout the scenes, Lady Macbeth is revealed to be calm and calculated. When Macbeth returns from the scene of the murder, he says ‘ I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry. Did not you speak?’. I would reflect her unemotional state by having her speak nicely; soft and quiet. Her eyes would wonder as if she were thinking of something completely different. Lady Macbeth seems ill concerned with her husband when he talks of his inability to sleep. She warns him ‘You do unbend your noble strength to think/ so brain of things.’ ‘ Why did you bring these daggers from the place? They must lie there: go carry them, and smear the sleepy grooms with blood.’ If I were the director, I would show her irritation by speaking to her with an abrupt sarcastic voice with a tone that suggests that she’s speaking to an idiot. She will snap and snarl at Macbeth and look down on him. To conclude I have tried to answer each section as best I can. I have tried to incorporate the mood set by each characters lines by using lightning and sound effects as well as the way the actors portray their lines. My aim was to try to get the audience involved in the play without them actually acting, so that they could experience one to one the characters moods, so that they could really understand and get into the play. I would chose Ozzy Osborne to play Macbeth because he is older than some, dresses in black and has a certain element of disguise in him which I feel Macbeth’s actor needs to portray well. I would choose Halle Berry to play Lady Macbeth because her latest film ‘Gothika’ was a perfect example of a spooky story of which she played her part extremely well.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysing The Queens Received Pronunciation English Language Essay

Analysing The Queens Received Pronunciation English Language Essay The purpose of this project is to identify if the Queen speaks with the same polished Received Pronunciation (RP) accent today as she did 50 years ago and whether there have been any generational variations to the RP spoken within the Royal Family. Firstly this project will introduce the subject of sociolinguistics with a focus on the differences between accents and dialects and the history and rules pertaining to RP. Secondly, current opinions and attitudes will be discussed along with recent research that has been carried out examining the decline of RP. Lastly it will analyse findings from my own comparisons of three Royal Family dialogues. Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society, and how society influences or affects the way in which language is used by individuals or groups (Crystal, 2008). When a person talks it is easy to recognise regional differences in their speech as everyone has an accent or dialect and this can often lead to assump tions about their background, education and even their place in society. It is important to understand the difference between an accent and a dialect as they are two very different aspects of speech. An accent refers to the differences in pronunciation only (Crystal, 2008), for example, a speaker with a southern accent would pronounce /a/ using long vowel /a:/ whereas a speaker with a northern accent would pronounce /a/ with a short vowel /à ¦/: Long vowel, Southern Short vowel, Northern Bath /bÉ‘:ÃŽÂ ¸/ /bà ¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸/ Grass /gra:s/ /grà ¦s/ Demand /di:ma:nd/ /di:mà ¦nd/ A dialect however refers to the features of pronunciation along with grammar and vocabulary such as sentence structure and use of verbs. For example: Standard English Regional Dialect She is a good girl She’s a canny lass (Geordie/Newcastle) How are you? Ow bist old butt? (Forest of Dean) He is frightened He’s feeling frit (Lincolnshire) I’ll visit in the Autumn I’ll visi t in the fall (American English) An accent and a dialect can both give an indication as to the speaker’s geographical origin (Crystal, 2008). Due the growing variety of accents and dialects in the UK, a ‘Standard English’ (SE) has emerged that is taught in schools and used in print and broadcasting. It is also the standard taught to speakers of foreign languages. The phrase Received Pronunciation was initially coined in 1869 by the linguist A J Ellis but the phonetician, Daniel Jones, was the first person to adopt it to describe the accent of the social elite (British Library). Received Pronunciation (RP) is an accent that is associated with being typically British and is also known as ‘The Queens English’ or ‘BBC English’ as it is seen as a prestige accent (Graddol, Leith & Swann, 1996). No specific authority gave the accent its special status but as RP is spoken mainly in the south east it is generally associated with that area but it is found all over the country. It is a non specific accent as it gives no indication of a speaker’s geographical origin however it does reveal information about their social and educational background.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Human Resource Management strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Resource Management strategy - Essay Example The concept of Strategic Human Resource Management has replaced the traditional perception of human management. Even though the traditional theories of human management (Maslow's hierarchy of needs, ERG theory and Herzberg Two-Factor theory) are still used by most of the HR managers, the functions have changed to include the strategic planning. Human Resource Management can build the organizational capacity and sustained competitive advantage. Organizations must be able to adapt to the changing environments and be ready to react to risks. Any organization that wants to remain successful must continually assess and formulate new strategies to meet the needs of its customers (both internal and external) in more effective ways (Marchington 2005). For example, if the organization is emphasizing the cost strategy, the changes in HRM activities will enable those strategies to become the major focus of organization. If particular, the multi-skilled employees and less expensive staff will help to meet the cost objectives. Without proper changes in HRM functions, organizational strategy might fail. Not a single organization is able to avoid conflicts and risks on the market. The development and application of the HR strategies of dealing with conflict determine the way company will deal with the outside conflicts. There are three HR views on dealing with conflict: traditional (conflict is harmful and requires the firm approach for avoidance), behavioural (conflict should be expected and turned into benefit), and interactionist (conflict is inevitable and should be challenged). These three views represent the ways companies are dealing with conflicts within organization, in the workplace setting. However, the same views can be applied to strategic management as well. For example, there is always the threat of competitor being more successful in marketing and if the company is ready to face this challenge, it can be turned into the benefit. Moreover, companies spend thousands of dollars to recruit talented employees and pay bug salaries to the individuals who contribute the company's success. At the age of globalization and increasing importance of skillful workforce, retaining employees is not an easy task and has become the part of the strategic planning. Employees, especially upper level, should be motivated not only to remain with the company, but also to improve their performance on continuous basis. As the research indicates, the Maslow's hierarchy of needs was not validated, but it does work in motivating employees (Purcell 2003). It is worth to note that the strategically important employees come into the company when the needs of the lower levels are already met and they seek for self-actualization mainly. Motivation of employees, as it was already noted above, is the key factor in achieving the company's success. Herzberg's Two Factor Theory provides the insight on motivators and dissatisfiers. Herzberg assumed that motivators are under the control of individuals, while dissatisfiers are under the control of organization. However, this assumption does not seem to be workable. For example, if the HR Managers knows about the factors which satisfy the employees and motivate him to contribute more into the company, these factors could be stressed continually. Thus, motivators are un

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


CREATING A NEW BRAND FOR A NEW MARKET. TATANANO - ESTIMATING THE TUUE COST OF THE CHEAPEST CAR IN THE WORLD - Case Study Example Apart from all these features and benefits offered by the car, it is being promoted as a part of one of the biggest brands of India, Tata. Tata has already high share and in the vehicles industry of India for around 70 years. The company has developed strong brand equity by supplying low cost and quality products with innovations to compete with the international market. Tata is considered to be the ideal developer of the cheapest and most fuel efficient car in the mass market of India as they have the advantage of 65 years of market experience and brand loyalty in vehicle sector. For this reason the company has made huge investment in this Tata Nano project. Other competitors do not have a brand loyalty as Tata in the target market and for this reason have been reluctant to make huge investment in any new project. Tata takes the first mover advantage because of which Tata is market leader today in the cheapest vehicle customer segment. Question # 2: Most of the international countri es including EU are concerned about the environment effect which will be generated by the launch of Tata Nano. The most important effect is pollution which will be increased because of the excessive use of Tata Nano by consumers, as a result there will be high consumption of fuel and hence high emission of carbon gas would take place. This in turn will cause several diseases. Apart from this, when huge quantity of cars will be launched every year it will make the traffic congested in roads which in turn will cause traffic jams, hence creating daily routine problem for people. In response to all these environmental concerns of international countries, Tata justify their Tata Nano as a low pollution emission car as compared to other cars and they considered the car as an alternative of motorcycle and scooters. Tata Nano would create a bit more pollution then motorcycles and scooters but it would improve the living standard of the middle class sector. The people of India gives the pref erence to Tata Nano because a major part of population of India lives in rural areas and facing difficulties in travelling on motorcycles and scooters with their families, so Tata Nano will be a great alternative for them to use the car for business purpose and for family use also. Hence this car is beneficial in both aspects. Question # 3: The other companies would be concerned because Tata will supply their Nano product in a very large segment of around 50 million potential customers. Along with this the company already has high brand equity and loyalty in the mind of the consumers. For this reason, all other vehicle producers have been highly concerned with the situation. The launch of Tata Nano will directly affect the Bajaj motors low price and consumption vehicle. At the same time many producers of motorcycles and scooters will also be affected by the production and launch of Nano production. With a huge production plan of Nano, Tata motors can introduce this vehicle in intern ational market also because they are bearing a very low cost of production. Along with this the company has high brand image in the international market as one of the oldest producers of vehicles with quality products. Tata Nano would offer customers in foreign countries with a low price car option as it would cost around US $2500 which is the cheapest among all cars. Question # 4: With the

Monday, August 26, 2019

FDI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FDI - Essay Example ssets in a domestic facility.2 In a foreign direct investment scenario there are normally two parties that are involved; the foreign affiliate and the parent business enterprise when the two are combined they form the multinational company. For instance, if a United Kingdom company decides to make a takeover of the majority stake in a South African and thus assumes its operations then that is a typical example of a foreign direct investment. The South African firm is the parent business company while the UK Company is the international business affiliate for that particular investment. However, that is not the only form that foreign direct investment has to be conducted it can take varied form depending on the interests of the parties concerned, as well as the environment of that particular investment.3 There are two primary types of foreign direct investment namely; inward foreign direct investment and outward foreign direct investment. Inward foreign direct investment occurs when there is an investment of foreign capital in the local resources. For instance, a Canadian firm takes over a significant stake in United Kingdom mining company and thus assumes its operations. Countries are making efforts to attract inward foreign direct investment since they stimulate economic growth as well they inject new capital into the economy thus making it more robust.4 Various countries implement different foreign direct investment regimes depending on their need to attract foreign investments in their economy. Some of the common factors that determine growth of inward foreign direct investment include; tax breaks from the government in that sense that foreign firms are allowed tax relaxation to a certain extent to encourage more inward investment for foreign based organization. Low-interest rates are yet another collective initiative that governments implement to facilitate the uptake of inward foreign investment from overseas companies in order to stimulate the local

Select an article from a magazine or newspaper that has something in Essay

Select an article from a magazine or newspaper that has something in it that pertains to biology - Essay Example Participants were later showed the same pictures as well as more new ones on a new day. The subjects who had taken the dose managed to identify the pictures that were similar. Other than this test, others were conducted and it was concluded that a certain dose of caffeine, say 200mg, needed to be observed in order to enhance the effect that caffeine had on consolidating the memory. Biology is mainly composed of natural science that is concerned mostly with the study of living things and life as well as their structures, functioning and their growth. Basically, biology is what surrounds us as human beings and the various activities we take part into. In biology, one learns about how the human body works and functions in order to keep one alive. It also introduces one to the most important body organs such as the brain, heart and the liver and how they function. The article on caffeine and long term memory boost relates to this course in that it provides some explanations based on researched work on how one’s memory can be enhanced. The brain is a core topic studied under biology, how it functions and coordinates all the activities in the human body. Biology also introduces students to important concepts in life. One, for example, learns about various hazards that may come as a result of substance abuse such as the hazards that may be brought about by abu sing drugs. The article also to some extent covers on the effects of caffeine related to biological concepts. A book by Harrison, Principles of Internal Medicine, provides relevant information on how the memory is essential in allowing humans not only to store, but also to retrieve information. It also provides information on how the human brain works and the various processes involved (Isselbacher & Harrison 98). This information enables one to understand the article on caffeine especially on the part

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Insourcing, Self-Sourcing and Outsourcing Research Paper

Business Insourcing, Self-Sourcing and Outsourcing - Research Paper Example On the other hand, self sourcing has its disadvantages which include: Lack of organizational focus, lack of design alternative analysis and lack of documentation. In commerce, outsourcing is the constricting out of a trade procedure to an intermediary. The word "outsourcing" becomes admired in the US close to the revolution of the 21st century. Outsourcing occasionally entails transferring human resources as well as assets from one company to another, but not at all times. Outsourcing is as well used to explain the performance of handing over management of civic services to for-profit companies. Outsourcing consists of both strange and family contracting; in addition to sometimes take account of offshoring or relocating a business, profession to another nation. Financial investments from lower global labor rates are a big inspiration for outsourcing. In sourcing is enhanced for significant Domain comprehension centric actions; trade innovation driven scheme, to generate competitive i ndividuality for business expansion (Click et al., 2005 p.26). Outsourcing is better if position information requirement for detailed duration, repeatable deal based, releasing in-house resources for extra value supplemented area, and suppleness of Ramp-up plus Ramp-down. The outsourcing drawback may also contain miscommunication: the corporations give unreliable service to "yes, we will hold up increased communication plus increased contact points", but the majority of the time they do not adjust scheme timelines plus they indulgence their offshore equivalent as if they were down the lane. Subsequently, they cannot comprehend why the scheme is behind. The world turns out to be more compound, change is accelerate, the current transfer to in sourcing those roles once again is a dial that parties are appreciating they need better flexibility and suppleness that is a bit more complex to attain when purpose are outsourced. Trade and IT also have extra sourcing options than ever, out sou rcing, in sourcing, near shore, on shore, with all these, how to expertise a superior IT sourcing tactic? Corporations outsource to keep away from assured kinds of costs. They outsource the non foundation actions. Among the motives companies opt for to outsource comprise the escaping of regulations, elevated taxes, high power costs, and costs linked with describe benefits in labor-union contract and duties for regime mandated reimbursement. Alleged or definite gross border in the diminutive operate incentivizes a corporation to outsource (Stephen, 2006, p. 14). With compact short-run expenses, administrative management sees the chance for short-run proceeds while the profits enlargement of the customer base is overwrought (Chris, 2006, p. 23). This prompts corporations to outsource for lesser effort costs. Outsourcing can put forward greater budget suppleness and control. Outsourcing allows organizations disburse for simply the services they require, when they require them. It as we ll reduces the want to hire and guide particular staff, conveys in fresh engineering proficiency, and decreases capital and working expenses. In addition, the label outsourcing has been established to be employed for too numerous different kinds of substitutes in puzzling ways. For instance, worldwide software expansion, which frequently

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Project Planning Management and Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Planning Management and Control - Essay Example However, it should not escape the construction industry stakeholders that there are certain core factors and challenges that unpleasantly affect the planning, implementation and the completion of construction projects (Cleland and Gareis, 2006). Thus, construction stakeholders have to be conversant with and knowledgeable about the core principles of project planning, control, and management to successfully execute construction projects. Generally, project management entails all activities that deal with leading, planning, securing, organizing, administering and controlling resources so that defined project goals and objectives are achieved. Unlike normal business undertakings, construction projects are rather unpredictable, non-repetitive and rarely permanent in the functional activities that create the desired objectives. Project managers and workers thus require special and distinct technical and management skills/strategies to ensure all project factors and challenges are identifi ed and addressed thoroughly (Cleland and Gareis, 2006). This paper explores the various factors and challenges in construction projects and the possible solutions to the challenges. ... In most cases, project owners hire project contractors, whose duties include the coordination of all sub-contractors for a project. Different projects require different types and number of contractors. For instance, in simple housing projects, sub-contractors could be metalworkers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, roofers and dry-wall installers. Effective contractors ensure that no gaps exist between the completion of one stage and the commencement of the next, thus saving time, cost and labor (Kerzner, 2003). Sound contracting principles and practices also ensure that only the best contractors that would not cause project friction by allowing job overlaps and delays are hired. Effective contracting is thus not only essential for the ordering and supplying of materials and laborers but also for the coordination of both off- and on-site sub-contractors (Kerzner, 2003). Furthermore, contractors serve as the link between project owners and workers through properly established commun ication avenues. Among the other construction project factors worth noting are efficiency, organization and project safety. To progress smoothly and realize its goals and objectives, a construction project requires the highest levels of planning and organization. The first indication of organization in construction projects is the presence of labor on-site with all the processes and material supplies well-coordinated (Phillips, 2003). This process and material coordination is particularly important for projects that rely on different suppliers for materials. In fact, in such projects, it would be quite costly if materials are omitted or supplied late. The increased

Friday, August 23, 2019

Communication and practice within the early years environment Essay

Communication and practice within the early years environment - Essay Example By the exhaustive definition, we can say that it’s a process that can be termed as complex because it’s not a just a one way sending of message but also, receiving it and understanding its exact intent. It also requires the receiver to send a feedback to the sender of the message stating that he has understood the message. Wilbur Schramm (1954) said that the feedback is very important, because it justifies the extent to which the receiver has grasped the message, and if there is any mistake in the understanding of the meaning, it can be corrected there and then itself. It involves information from many sources, therefore the sender has to refine the raw data that he comes across and put it together in a more comprehendible manner so that it becomes easier for him to send the message as well as the receiver to understand it. The content of the message should be relevant to the situation the sender is in and it should also be clear and precise. This was also illustrated b y the model given by Shannon and Weaver (1949) namely The Information Processing Theory. Wherein he said that a full loop of communication has a source, source’s message, a transmitter, a signal and a receiver. The receiver again sends a message which has to be sent to a particular destination. After this model Wilbur Schramm (1954) said that the sender encodes the message and the receiver decodes it to make sense of what has been imparted through the medium of a transmitter (a phone, a letter, face to face interaction, gestures etc.). According to him, the individual’s knowledge and experience play a vital role in the communication. The importance of feedback was also reinforced through his work. Next came the Berlo’s Model of communication in 1960. He argued that the source and receiver should communicate at the same level. With respect to children, Bandura (1977) devised a theory of imitation. According to him, children learn to communicate by observing and i mitating the parents and teachers. They try to make role models out of them. Seeing them behave them in particular manner, they act in the same way. When these associations happen over a period of time, these behaviors get reinforced and get deep seated. Interpersonal communication is a selective, systemic, unique, processual (is an ongoing process) transactions that allow people to reflect and build knowledge of one another and create shared meaning (wood, 2010). Dainton (2011) also argued that interpersonal communication as a process occurring between two individuals, when they are close in proximity, able to provide immediate feedback and utilize multiple senses. If we ponder over the former definition, we come to segregate the definition into its various subparts. Interpersonal communication has a selective nature, which means that we select people with whom we want to communicate. We meet a plethora of people every day, but we don’t quite have any associations with these people. Secondly, we can describe the aforementioned phenomena as systemic, which means that it takes place within and around before stated systems that are valid as well as reliable. Thirdly, the process of interpersonal communication is unique in its own right because like it’s mentioned above, every human is different and therefore the way

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Commentary All the Kings Men Essay Example for Free

Commentary All the Kings Men Essay We left the bay, and lost the salt, sad, sweet, fishy smell of the tidelands out of our nostrils. We headed north again. It was darker now. The ground mist lay heavier on the fields, and in the dips of the road the mist frayed out over the slab and blunted the headlights. Now and then a pair of eyes would burn at us out of the dark ahead. I knew that they were the eyes of a cow-a poor dear stoic old cow with a cud, standing on the highway shoulder, for there wasn’t any stock law- but her eyes burned at us out of the dark as though her skull were full of blazing molten metal like blood and we could see inside the skull into that bloody hot brightness in that moment when the reflection was right before we picked up her shape, which is so perfectly formed to be pelted with clods, and knew what she was and knew that inside that unlovely knotty head there wasn’t anything but a handful of coldly coagulated gray mess in which something slow happened as we went by. We were something slow happening inside the cold brain of a cow. That’s what the cow would say if she were a brass-bound Idealist like little Jackie Burden. The Boss said, â€Å"Well, Jackie, it looks like you got a job cut out for you.† And I said, â€Å"Callahan?† And he said, â€Å"Nope, Irwin.† And I said, â€Å"I don’t reckon you will find anything on Irwin.† And he said, â€Å"You find it.† We bored on into the dark for another twenty miles and eighteen minutes. The ectoplasmic fingers of the mist reached out of the swamp, threading out from the blackness of the cypresses, to snag us, but didn’t have any luck. A possum came out of the swamp, threading out from the blackness of the cypresses, to snag us, but didn’t have any luck. A possum came out of the swamp and started across the road and might have made it, too, if Sugar-Boy hadn’t been too quick for him. Sugar-Boy just shaded the steering wheel delicately to the left, just a fraction. There wasn’t even a jounce or twitch, but something thumped against the underside of the left front fender, and Sugar-Boy said, â€Å"The b-b-b-b-bas-tud.† Sugar-Boy could thread a needle with that Cadillac. At about the end of that eighteen minutes and twenty miles, I said: â€Å"But suppose I don’t find anything before election day?† The Boss said, â€Å"To hell with election day. I can deliver Masters prepaid, special handling. But if it takes ten years, you find it.† We clocked off five miles more, and I said, â€Å"But suppose there isn’t anything to find.† And the Boss said, â€Å"There is always something.† And I said, â€Å"Maybe not on the Judge.† And he said, â€Å"Man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud. There is always something. Two miles more, and he said, â€Å"And make it stick.† And that was all a good while ago. Color Key: Simile Characterization Imagery Personification Jack Burden, the narrator of the novel, has a request by the Boss to dig into Judge Irwin’s past â€Å"and make it stick.† The journey of finding something on him builds Jack’s character and foreshadows the death of some of his friends. As they are coming back from the visit to Judge Irwin’s house, they encounter cows on the road. Jack Burden looks into the burning eyes of â€Å"a poor dear stoic old cow† whose skull was of â€Å"blazing molten metal,† and Jack says that the cow is â€Å"a brass-bound Idealist like little Jackie Burden† like a slow thought in her brain. Jack Burden questions the visit to Judge Irwin’s house thinking that there was no sin made by him and identifies himself as an idealist. Because of Jack’s long relationship with the judge, he questions if there is really anything to find about him. The Boss convinces him that â€Å"Man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he [passes it] from the stink [of the diaper] to the stench of the shroud. There is always, something,† leaves and says â€Å"And make it stick.† The last paragraph shows that the future of the book is foreshadowed to the reader with Jack saying, â€Å"And that was all a good while ago.† It all shows that Jack Burden is certainly not a weak character because he eventually does find something on the judge like the Boss said. The dirt that he found stuck so good that it was great for Robert Penn Warren to put the conclusion in the beginning of the book.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dance Critique Essay Example for Free

Dance Critique Essay In Fall 2012 there was a production called Jubilation taken place in El Camino College in the Campus Theatre. The Dance consist of many different styles of dancing from African dance by Nichole â€Å"Nittche† Thompson Spirit Within, to Tango as demonstrated in La Revancha Del Tango, choreographed by Imara Quinonez. One of the most common and best performed dances that was presented in the production were The Gift and Broadway Bound, choreographed by Bernice Boseman. Broadway Bound consisted of twelve dancers, and performed as a single group of girls, a single group of guys, and girls and guys dancing together. However, in the performance of The gift there was just one guy that performed his solo. As the famous song of â€Å"The Little Drummer Boy† started, the lights appear on stage focusing on a boy who was sitting on a rock with his drum. He was wearing a white loose shirt with shorts and a red belt around him. The stage also had a white bright light in the back area of the stage. As the song started seven different characters came in one by one with different color of long dresses and had their heads wrap around with long cloths. As each dancer came in walking slowly step by step towards the bright back stage light, they raised the gift up high and continue walking slowly but this time out the stage. After everyone had exit the stage the drummer boy got up from the rock and went to the bright light and raise his drum up high. Then he begin to dance around to the beat of the drums around stage. At the beginning of the song the first seven dancers who entered walking had a repeatedly step walking in a line. As they approach the stage they moved across the stage using all the space from it. As they exit the drummer boy started dancing. He was doing a solo dance moving across the stage but mainly staying tin the middle area. The boy was doing different type of jazz movements while holding the gift in his hand for the whole remaining time. The work demonstrated by the boy was flowing smooth throughout the music and his dance. Bernice Boseman was trying to point out the cultural part of this dance which she added a visual scenario for us to understand the dance in a different way. By Bernice Boseman adding the gift carriers at the beginning of the performance her intent is to make us see that the gift carriers were rich people with a more expensive gift trying to give them to god. This was represented by the big bright light in back of the stage as god looking down on them. On the contrary, the drummer boy was not as â€Å"good looking† as the rich gift carriers and all he had to offer god was just a drummer with his music. The drummer boy dance to the song expressing his feelings out for giving the gift to god. He would move up and down stretching his harms up and the bringing them down like if he was having a thought for giving the gift to him. He felt like if his gift wasn’t as valuable as like the others. At the end of the performance he kneeled down and raised his drum to god as a gift. For the most part, The Gift was a great performance that made the audience knew the authors intent . The meaning of the song with the dance was very clear and the drummer boy was very focused in showing us the way he felt. In overall, the organization was very successfully and were all committed to the dance.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reflection on Personal Development and Self-Awareness

Reflection on Personal Development and Self-Awareness The Voyage Introduction The title of this essay is The Voyage . Its a reflective essay, and I am using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988) as a template for this exercise. Its a critical reflection on the importance of personal development and self-awareness, which are necessary if one is successful in becoming, and remaining a councillor. In simple terms its a examination of ones outlook on life, from their own behaviours and to how they interact with other people. By self examination and peer feedback facilities me to become more aware about myself. Conscious of my privileges, prejudices, perceptions, core values, beliefs ,and behaviours. Aware of my strengths, weaknesses and blind spots. This development of self awareness, along with the ability to self reflect on ones life experiences, is viewed as not only necessary, but professionally ethical, as its practice enables a councillor and clients to remain safe and emotionally detached from future relationships they are trying to develop. Because its so easy for a counsellor to fall into the trap of forming a sense of identity or empathy while counselling clients. But its vital for both, especially the councillor, that they remain emotionally detached at all times. Being objective is the main difficulty when assessing our personal development and self awareness. How we see and think of ourselves can be quite different from what other people see us. Only by rigorous personal inventories and feedback from others can we find a yardstick which with we can measure our ethics, and our professional standards which are vital in providing a safe environment when forming a relationship with our clients. Its only by this sometimes painful process of becoming more self aware can we then embarque on our lifelong personal development, and be better equipped in dealing with the challenges presented by possible conflicts, and enable us to be more attuned and less vulnerable with our relationships with future clients. The Voyage According to Plato the famous philosopher Socrates once said The greatest good of a man is daily to converse about virtue, and all that concerning which you hear me examining myself and others, andthatthe life which is unexamined is not worth living (Plato,Apology). This course, which is a diploma in the psychology of counselling, has contained within it a module on personal development and self awareness. This module challenges us to examine our core values, beliefs and prejudices and behaviours.. One of the requirements to becoming a good councillor is to know which way your moral compass points, and to be aware of any prejudices, privileges and blind spots, and to remain emotionally uninvolved. To achieve this one has to embarque on a new journey of fearless self analysis. We were advised to keep a journal, in which we could record events on one side and our feelings of these events on the other side. This has provided me with very valuable insights into my personality while compiling this essay. Also this paper is a reflective essay, and so we must immerse ourselves in self reflection. The goal of this exercise is to make us more self aware. Aware of our personality traits and prejudices, our core values, habits, emotions, and the psychological forces that dictate our behaviour. This comprises of all events, good and bad, acquired throughout our entire lifetime that shapes who we are as a person today, and what we have to offer any potential client. While our tutor explained the module in greater detail, warning us that it could be a emotional rollercoaster for some of us, I could sense the nervous atmosphere throughout the classroom. After all its not easy dissecting ones entire lifetime, reliving all the events, good and bad, questioning ones reactions, the lessons learned or forgotten, and most importantly how these events shaped our personalities, attitudes, and our behaviour. I could see the importance in such an exercise. To become a good councillor requires change, and the first step in making a change of any kind is to beawarethat a change is wanted or needed. This can only be achieved by getting to know oneself by immersing themselves in various scenarios, reflecting on past events, and questioning their reactions and what thoughts were felt at the time. This is the path to self awareness, and its only by self awareness one gets to know what are the strengths and weaknesses they poses that can achieve better results in their role as a councillor, and with their clients. Unlike many of my classmates I thought I had an advantage. The advantage in question is Im an alcoholic and a drug addict, thankfully in recovery, five years clean and sober. Ive been to rehab, several times. The most popular method of treatment used is called the Minnesota Model (Hazelden 1949) , this has developed into the more widely known twelve step program. Today there are many similar twelve step programs. But there is one important step common to all groups, that is step four, which reads: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves (The Big Book: April 10, 1939, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc ). My feelings was that in my case it was already done and dusted. In overcoming my addiction I had to dig deep very deep. From my earliest childhood memories up to the present day. I didnt find it easy, but it changed the person I thought I was completely, and was a vital tool to my recovery. The life of a councillor will always be a work in progress, there is no such thing as perfection, but one should always be as self aware as possible, and continue completely and honestly with their personal development. This includes sourcing important feedback from superiors and colleagues, which proves valuable information as to how others view you. Like our tutor explained, the path to personal development and self awareness can be very difficult and emotional. The pain of dredging up memories long buried can be to some too much to endure. But the simple fact is just this, the pain one experiences while undertaking this difficult task, comes in not the journey, it comes by not having the courage to embarque on such a journey. Fear that one has to challenge and change some thought processes and behaviours that they have used and relied upon for some time. Often through various defence mechanisms that they may not be even conscious of. The journey of self discovery can be a difficult one, but I was first in line to buy a ticket, confident I had already been there, and if there were some omissions, I was eager to discover them. I viewed my life story as an open book, and was comfortable in disclosing any of my many shortcomings, to anyone at anytime. However I soon realised it was far from done and dusted. To maintain abstinence we have to always seek self awareness, and continue our personal development. In doing so we have to be completely honest and humble. Completing step four of a twelve step program is like looking at your reflection in a mirror. You only see your shortcomings through your own eyes. The fact that others may see you differently felt slightly uncomfortable, due to the possibility that I may be someone different to whom I thought I was. Over the next two months we sometimes engaged in groups to discuss and debate various topics. One of those being, what are the effects of modern society, and how people living in congested inner cities, with no community can lead to future mental health problems. I once thought of such people as scum. Undeserving of any free handouts. It would be true that I viewed these people as narcissistic parasites. Freeloaders who only existed by terrifying innocent and vulnerable people, and who should be locked up to protect decent honest people. However I began to realise that these same people were victims of a society that judged and condemned them, a society of which I was a part of. I realised that these people didnt have a choice as to which culture and society they were born into. A society which denied them equal access to education, sports and pastimes, marginalising them to such an extent that the easiest path to fill the vacuum they felt was through violence, crime, addiction, and most unfortunately suicide. I learned through enrolling in this course that it was they who were the victims. I grew convinced that the culture and society they lived in, was one we created for them. I soon formed the opinion that the root of these problems was a result of poor parenting. By poor parenting I mean stressed parenting. Stress caused by economic poverty, violence, unemployment, dysfunctional societies, abandoned mothers, poor housing, no access to education, crime, addiction etc. I argued that the problem started from birth, and possibility pre-birth as stress hormones in the mother has been proved as having a negative effect on the unborn foetus. (Verny & Kelly 1981). I was, and still felt that these problems were caused by poor or no attachment to any care giver because nobody cared. I also stated Bowleys opinion which was the infant and young child should experience a warm, intimate, and continuous relationship with his mother (or permanent mother substitute) in which both find satisfaction and enjoyment, and that not to do so may have significant and irreversible mental health consequences ( Bowlby, 1951). I also argued that in my opinion it was a Self fulfilling Prophesy that a Mother, who herself never had any attachment or continuous relationship with her own Mother, while also experiencing possible mental health problems, would give birth to a child whose template of care will be identical to her own, thereby ensuring that the chain of dysfunction remains intact. Another example was related to colour, race, and privilege. We were shown a movie directed by Lee Mun Wha called (The color of fear 1994). This entailed of a group comprising of Eight men, two African American, two Latinos, two Asian American and two Caucasians. The discussion was about race, especially the racial experiences as seen through each others eyes. in America. The exchanges were often dramatic, and sought to clarify the pain caused by racism in North America. In this movie the people of colour expressed their racial experiences and problems in American society compared to the two Caucasians in the group. As the discussion developed one of the African Americans became quite animated if not abusive towards one of the Caucasians in the group. The reaction of the Caucasian was one of surprise. He stated that he often employed these people of colour, and that some of them were his closest friends. He was obviously surprised at being portrayed as a racist. The other coloured people also expressed similar views, though in a calmer fashion. My first interpretation was that the Caucasian in question was being harshly treated. After all it was he who employed and befriended people of colour. As the discussion developed I began to realise some privileges that Caucasians poses and may be unaware of. The structure of American society was built by white Caucasian people of European descent dating back to the colonization of the continent. Any other race such as people of African, Asian, Latino origin arrived later, either through slavery, immigration, or economic need. It was these later arrivals along with native Americans who had to comply with the status quo, which was created by the Founding Fathers (Brown Jul 1976). by white European decedents. I began to realise that the debate may not about hard racism like the violent protests in the US during the1960s human rights movement, (New World Encyclopedia contributors , 05/11/2014) which eventually led to the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (, 2014). My interpretation is that its more like passive discrimination, and that the real issue may be inequality rather than racism, especially economic inequality. The US is one of most unequal societies in the world. Its inequality is now at Great Depression levels (Saez & Zucman 2014) However theres another term called Colour Blindness ( Doob, 2012). The author describes this process as allowing whites to ignore the disadvantages of coloured or non-white population. Doob also argues that white people may believe they live in a world in which racial discrimination no longer exists, but their behaviour often consists of racialized practices. My final analyses of the movie is simply that the Caucasian in question was Colour Blind but was not conscious of the fact. This I believe is because he never discriminated against such people, while also knowing at the same time such practices are widespread. From the irate African American point of view I believe he was angry that Caucasians had the privilege of deciding to play the Race Card or not, while not having this privilege himself, he may have viewed it as a prejudice not evoked, rather than exercising a privilege to which the Caucasian was unaware of. This movie brought into my consciousness some privileges I was totally unaware of. Examples such as race, religion, education, strong family bonds, access to healthcare etc. are some of the privileges I enjoy that many of the people I referred to at the start of this essay dont have. This leads to the question, am I racist? When referring to members of the travelling community, who are Irelands largest ethnic minority, I, like many others are of the opinion that its the minority of travellers that cause the most conflicts. In my opinion it is these people who are responsible for the discrimination experienced by them. Regarding travellers, I have witnessed both sides of their behaviour and culture. For thirty years I was a rural publican. I served travellers on many occasions, not in large groups, but in small groups of two or three that I knew would cause no problems. But unfortunately sooner or later these would arrive in larger groups. These larger groups would include the troublesome minority mentioned above. This would always result in expulsion from the premises. Always my main complaint would be why dont these people take responsibility for the troublesome minority? Instead of attempting to dissuade these minorities they seemed to close ranks and support them. Because my regular customers, to whom I relied on to make a living, objected to their presence, I felt I had no choice but to impose a blanket ban on all travellers. I dont think Im racist towards these people. My decisions were based on pragmatism rather than race. Unfortunately this seems to be the norm throughout todays society, even though some self rightness people object, stating its illegal for this discrimination. But the fact remains that all businesses have the right to refuse service, without having to provide a reason. Since leaving the trade I have come into contact with many of these people and they have treated me with the utmost respect. They are quite aware of the predicament I faced, and understood why I had to be pragmatic in choosing my regular and loyal customers over their unwanted presence. I now see in them a strong moral code. They are deeply religious. But unlike many devout, they also have an unconditional faith to match. A faith to which I have a unconditional respect. However I still question why they dont call to account the small minority of trouble makers who tarnish all the decent members of their identity and culture. Conclusion The two subjects discussed above are just two examples of the advantage of applying Personal development. There are many other examples where personal development and self awareness would be beneficial. All types of counselling present new challenges, wither counselling for depression, addiction, anxiety, bereavement, suicide etc. The fact that when we examine these in greater detail it results in a change of our point of view, we become more aware of subtleties and inaccurate assumptions. We become aware of different views which people revile. In other words it enables us to be more self aware. Because only counsellors who are aware of their own skills and knowledge can successfully help a client, Personal development and self awareness are vital. Today the benefits of personal development and self awareness have become more widespread in society. Practices such as mindfulness, yoga, meditation and other eastern philosophies are now widespread. More and more people practice some disciplines above. People, especially I, now question the narcissistic nature of western capitalism. I question is this the path to personal wellbeing and happiness? I, for one think not. I will end this essay with a quote from ex US President Jimmy Carter. â€Å"Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but rather by what one owns.† To own ones soul is true freedom. Only self awareness and personal development makes this possible. The End Bibliography Bowlby, J.(1951) Maternal care and mental health, Pg 51 World Health Organization Monograph(Serial No. 2) Brown Richard D. (Jul 1976) The Founding Fathers of 1776 and 1787 A Collective View, pp.465-480. William and Mary Quarterly,3rd Ser., Vol. 33, No. 3 (Jul. 1976). Dirksen Congressional Center. (2014) Available at: [Accessed on 17/11/2014] Doob C.B., (2012) Social inequality and social stratification in US society. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson, 2013. Print. Gibbs, G.(1988)Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods(London, Further Education Unit) Minnesota Model: Hazelden (1949)Available at [accessed on 17/11/2014] New World Encyclopedia contributors, (2014), African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968)Available at: : [Accessed on 17/11/2014] Plato,(Apology, section 38) Saez, E & Zucman,G (2014), Wealth equality in the United States since 1913, University of California–Berkeley & London School of Economics. The Big Book: (April 10, 1939, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc ). The color of fear (1994) directed by Lee Mun Wha.USF Urban Education & Social Justice 1994. Thomas R. Verny T R & Kelly J, 1982, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, Published July 15th 1982 by Dell.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Benefits and Inconvenience of a Globalized World Essay -- Globalization

The world has had several changed as well as the economy, technology and everything that represent advancement to the humanity. All these things today are being led by the globalization which is, in turn, the free market capitalism with the purpose to create advancement and integration for the world. It is important to say that globalization is neither good nor bad, but it is an idea that has been created for the world’s best. The problem of this idea is that, although it has brought great benefits, the results have been devastating. In terms of firms, the little businesses have been affected by the big ones, bringing as results the closure of them. In environmental issues, it has replaced the recreational area by industrial parks, which has increased the pollution. Globalization has also increased poverty and slum population, exploitation, inequality around the world. One of the principal purposes of globalization is to help businesses to improve in the marketplace. However, how come something that is supposed to bring development has turned into a problem for firms? Let us make an example, if you go to China and you are planning to buy a Chinese Food, but on your way to buy it, you are hit by a typical American fast food known as McDonald. In that moment, perhaps, you will feel more attracted by your home-country food than the foreign one. There is when globalization starts because in that moment, the place where you were going to buy the Chinese Food lost you as a client because of the competition. It is positive that globalization has opened its arms and torn down their barriers allowing business from another country to sell overseas. However, this free market capitalism has brought serious consequences to foreign businesses.... ...t without industrialization, the sources of jobs are limited. As a consequence, the unemployed population increase and the economy decrease as well. Davis claimed that â€Å"the Third World now contains many examples of capital-intensive countrysides and labor-intensive deindustrialized cities. â€Å"Overurbanization,† in other words, is driven by the reproduction of poverty, not by the supply of jobs† (Davis 16). To sum up, the globalization is not either good or bad but just an idea for the best of the world. It has brought industrialization, technological advancement, employment and development to the cities as well. Although globalization has been a source of good development, it also has had its disadvantages such as increment in poverty and slum population, exploitation, environmental problems, shut down of little business, and inequality around the world.

Running Training Essay -- Compare Contrast Papers

Running Training For the past several years runners all over the world have been trying to figure out and arguing over the simple question: â€Å"Is high mileage training better than low mileage, during training season?† Kenyan’s in Africa have been running unbelievable amounts of mileage for years, and tend to always be in the top field in any race over five thousand meters. While Africans have been leading the fields for years, where do the best US runners end up? Not in the lead pack! Perhaps they are training too hard to be like their Kenyan counterparts. I think a lot of runners believe that if they train like the runners from Kenya that they will have the same results. When in truth they end up running themselves into the ground. Perhaps that is why there are others that think that if they train light and more to their athletic ability level that they will have better results. Many runners think that less mileage is better for a runner during training season, as does George Sheehan who wrote the essay titled â€Å"Training: More or Less.† In his essay he claims that he believes the optimal distance for athletes is twenty to twenty-five miles per week, including speed work, and races. While his theory on training might be correct for his level of training, it may not be sufficient for other runners who are serious about training with all they have. Many believe that in order to get better they must put in the miles on the road, which will get their legs used to the stress put on their muscles and feet during the course of a race. As a distance runner for the Buena Vista University Cross Country and Track team, in Storm Lake, Iowa, my experience with low mileage training and high mileage training came out wit... ... further distances. Runners are entitled to their own opinion, because everybody’s bodies are different and are more fit for running different levels of mileage. While those runners are training with low mileage, others who are against running low mileage because they believe that getting the body used to running further distances will improve their running. The above research gave plenty of examples of how there is a rebuttal going on where some runners believe that less training means more output, as well as how some believe that more training means more output. Examples are given throughout the paper to support both ideas. Works Cited Hage, Jim. When Less Really is Less. 15 Apr. 2002 . Sheehan, George. Training: More or Less. 1991. 15 Apr. 2002 .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essays -- Literature William Shakespeare E

Shakespeare's Twelfth Night A study of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, showing how Shakespeare's choice of form, structure and language shape meaning Wit, and't be thy will, put me into good fooling! Those wits that think they have thee do very oft prove fools; and I that am sure I lack thee may pass for a wise man. For what says Quinapalus? 'Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.' Shakespeare's plays were written to be performed to an audience from different social classes and of varying levels of intellect. Thus they contain down-to-earth characters who appeal to the working classes, side-by-side with complexities of plot which would satisfy the appetites of the aristocrats among the audience. His contemporary status is different, and Shakespeare's plays have become a symbol of culture and education, being widely used as a subject for academic study and literary criticism. A close critical analysis of Twelfth Night can reveal how Shakespeare manipulates the form, structure, and language to contribute to the meaning of his plays. Form Through the form of dialogue Shakespeare conveys the relationship between characters. For example, the friendship and understanding between Olivia, and her servant Feste, the clown, is shown in their dialogue in Act 1, Scene 5. In this scene Shakespeare shows that both characters are intellectuals by constructing their colloquy in prose. Characterising Feste, Shakespeare gives him the aphorism, Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. [Feste. Act 1, scene 5] This line illustrates the clown's acumen; and is a delightful example of the way in which he uses language, as well as form to manifest Feste's character. Far from being a fool, the clown is erudite and sagely ... ...been made a fool of by all of them, and also signifies his isolation from the rest of the cast and how he has become a loose end of the play, as everybody else has found love or companionship with another person in the play. After analysing the way in which Shakespeare uses form, structure and language to shape meaning I have come to the conclusion that we are not consciously aware of these techniques when we are the audience. Directors and actors may take these factors into consideration when performing a play, to assist in conveying meaning to the audience. Different directors may interpret the text in different ways, but the play should be performed in such a way that subtle clues help the audience receive messages and understand the complexity of the developing plot, so that we are not obliged to be continually struggling to interpret the text for ourselves.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Analyse the techniques Emily Bronte uses to explore the good and evil that can exist in human nature

In the gothic novel â€Å"Wuthering Heights† Bronte explores a range of emotions, including the theme of good and evil. These emotions are often of a blatant disperse, in which the reader can almost see it coming. However sometimes the novel takes a sudden twist and Bronte shocks the reader by the characters changing there usual attitude and bring out new emotions. This makes the novel more thrilling and mind blowing. Characters also convert their emotions and way of doing things by the way they have been brought up, a typical example of this is Heathcliff. We also see either more, or a change in emotions in the characters when loved ones around them change, or are shockingly took away from them. We know this is a gothic novel because of its features, although we do not have the traditional castle there is a mysterious house and one with hidden secrets. We have a villain, Heathcliff who is passion driven and wilful. The weather plays a part in Wuthering Heights, with the stormy weather and the endless cold nights, this doesn't create a nice image and shows that it is dark and evil. Through Nelly, Bronte tells us of the brutal acts of evil played on by Hindley. In this particular extract he is physically and mentally tormenting his young son Hareton. We can tell Hareton is terrified of his father when Nelly says he was â€Å"squealing and kicking† This relates to the gothic genre of the novel as it seems as if the devil has captured him and he cannot break free. Literary techniques such as â€Å"frighten child into fits† sends shivers through your spine, and you as the reader wants Hareton to be ok and dislike Hindley. However, not all is evil in this event, we see an episode of kindness from a character, which is in fact usual torturer Heathcliff. This sudden act has Heathcliff catch little Hareton from a quick escape, jumping over the banister from his fathers tight grasp. This is a shock to the readers. I also think that Heathcliff himself is astonished by what he has done after all the years of Heathcliff torturing Hareton. â€Å"By a natural impulse he arrested his descent† this just shows that Heathcliff is not all evil, and if someone was truly in trouble, he would come and help them, even if he did despise them. Its not just the characters that display this confusion over good and evil, it also has a lot to do with the atmosphere around them. At the beginning, Lockwood is exploring the â€Å"Grotesque† â€Å"Wuthering Heights†, by first look we would automatically come to the conclusion that it is an evil house, finding all of its â€Å"Grotesque carvings† and â€Å"Shameless little boys†. This displays the uncared for place unfit for a normal human life. He shows the gothic features of the house by saying â€Å"a swarm of squealing puppies† which could relate to the hounds of hell, which makes this house scary and full of hatred. However in the mask of evilness, lays a side of the Heights witch we wouldn't think existed. A clean liveable place, which is not visible from the first look at the house. We know this is a better side of the house by the language Bronte uses such as â€Å"splendidly and immense† which says that the house isn't all gothic and evil and can be a good place, this house is full of secrets. In comparison to the Heights, Thrushcross Grange is an upper class beautiful palace. The language Bronte uses such as â€Å"splendid†, â€Å"beautiful† and â€Å"Heavenly† makes it seem as if the house and the people in it are perfect and could never do anything bad. Something that is quite significant about this house is the amount of crimson, in this time it was deemed you would have this if you where upper class. Below the surface of the â€Å"Heaven† lays a twisted evil side. In fact we find evilness in a little girl, Isabella who lives at the Grange. Heathcliff tells us that she was â€Å"Shrieking as if witches where running hot needles in to her†, this makes it seem as if she is in brutal pain and must lead a horrible life. We then find out that she is really just having a tantrum over a little puppy which is trembling with fright. This shows a different sort of evil, this girl is so spoilt she wouldn't know what it would be like to truly be upset. In the Grange Bronte uses this house to show that the upper class isn't always perfect and there nature can be very false. Overall I think the houses are almost mirror images. The Heights seems gothic and evil on the surface, but when explored deeply shows protection and a sign of kindness. Whereas the Grange seems to be a heavenly place, but the residents have been around luxury for so long, they have become evil, it just shows that not everything is what meets the eye. When Catherine dies we see both a good and evil side to Heathcliff. When we first hear about Catherine dying, we believe that Heathcliff is miserable and so upset to see the person he loves dying in his arms. We can tell he is truly upset when he is â€Å"looking absolutely desperate†. This seems as if Heathcliff is really caring for Cathy when they are â€Å"locked in an embrace. We believe that Heathcliff has changed his usual mean ways and is really upset for Catherine. Even though Heathcliff is trying to protect Catherine we see that Nelly is very upset in this scene as she cannot say the goodbyes to Catherine she wants too, this is because Heathcliff is smothering Catherine, Nelly is describing him as a horrible possessed man, he â€Å"gnashed at me† and â€Å"foamed like a dog†. I would describe this scene as beautifully evil, because even though Heathcliff is showing such evil actions, he is still trying to care for Catherine and doesn't want her to die. This is their passionate goodbye But we couldn't be more wrong; this passion disappears and is twisted. Heathcliff turns on Catherine and becomes evil. He make her seem as if she is worthless and deserves to die. He blames her for everything bad that has happened to him. He snaps at her â€Å"I have not broken your heart – you have broken it† this is nasty and bitter towards Cathy, especially since she is about to die. Cathy sobs for him to leave her alone, begging for his forgiveness. This shows much evil in Heathcliff because he will not let her rest in peace. In conclusion, I believe the theme most dominant in this novel is evil. Although, most of the characters are either good or evil, this is not always dominant as characters such as Heathcliff and Hindley are evil, but we can see a good side to them. On the other hand characters such as the Linton's look really good on the surface, but there evil side can show when something doesn't go their own way. There are many ups and downs in this novel, and each character has a different way of showing there emotions.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Arthur Miller uses to create dramatic tension in Acts Essay

During â€Å"all my sons†, Miller creates a sense of normality with a undercurrent of unease using several different techniques including: the use of setting, stage directions and dramatic tension between characters. All of course being subsequently keeping the audience enthralled in the play. The plot its self breeds tension, revolving around the two major areas of the family conflict: the disagreement within the family over the pending marriage and at the core of the play, the conflict between father and son. But by definition Drama Plays are by nature about conflict, in the play ‘All My Sons’ (ASM) has two levels a surface gloss of normality and a submerged latent The opening of act 1 paints a scene of leisurely, relaxed life, untouched by the horrors/ deprivation of the recent war (world War II). The whole setting itself has sense of normality and unease which is created by Miller for effect for Act 1 is in an American regular back yard, (this is done so the audience can relate and empathise with the characters and there are a lot more things in the play a lot of the audience can also relate to) its the family back garden which is an open space is half private yet shared with their neighbours â€Å"the back yard of the Keller house in the outskirts of an American town† This creates a very ordinary sense of a families back garden, however there is an undercurrent of unease as â€Å"the stage is hedged from right to left by tall, closely planted poplars which lend the yard a secluded atmosphere†(P. 3) making it seem private and narrow minded almost closed off to rest of world almost as if there hiding from the rest of the world while at same time remaining open to neighbours peering eyes and approach by the open driveway which leads into the backyard. As an example of one of Millers use of techniques to his disposal was the use of stage directions. Throughout the act 1, tension/ unease is created from conflicts between characters, especially between the Keller families. The conflicts between the characters occasionally climax to expose a dramatic secret or revelation, however Tension is often broken with the arrival of a new character. For example after the arrival of Ann during act 1 the argument between mother and Keller is soon interrupted. Using this method, Miller often has short breaks of tension that quickly cease to keep the audience hungry for more, thus maintaining a ‘drip feed’ style of revealing information. 1. Jo Keller relaxes in the sunshine of a quiet Sunday Morning reading his newspaper; it’s a picture of normality. Miller use of conversation style creates a sense of normality by using simple plain words. The conversation is short and uneventful about routine things like the weather. The dialogue is ordinary everyday and slow paced, the conversation casually flits almost aimlessly from the weather to newspaper ads to mentioning arrival of a visitor to a toaster that’s not working and a doctor answers a patients call. The style of conversation is colloquial , recorded as its spoken , without correct grammar . The subject content not great deep meaningful speeches. It’s an average day, all the talk is not about any specific subject, but it gives a general sense that there are no particular problems as neighbours walk into the Keller’s garden on a relaxed August Sunday morning. The stage direction Settings convey immediate familiarity, the opening of Act I paints a scene of a leisurely relaxed cosy family garden, in contrast to the recent horrors of WWII, â€Å"the backyard of the Keller household in the outskirts an American town â€Å", the description of the stage set is realistic homely and safe lifelike and not at all theatrical, but a highly familiar setting for the audience. The family backyard setting is an open space set in ‘ordinaryville’ where neighbours feel comfortable just walking into to start conversations. the ordinariness stage setting is emphasised â€Å"it would have cost fifteen thousand† 2. Joe Keller is sitting in a peaceful sunny suburban garden reading a newspaper as ordinary as regular routine relaxed weekend,(p. 4) as his neighbour Frank casually walks into his garden he asks â€Å"what’s today’s calamity? â€Å". It is telling that Keller replies â€Å"I don’t read the news part any more. its more interesting in the want adds†. I believe that Keller only chose to read the want adverts’ and not any news items because he doesn’t like facing reality or the fact that someone is reporting calamities or about crimes that someone’s done wrong . Keller is hiding a deep guilt 3. the stage direction Settings convey immediate familiarity, the opening of Act I paints a scene of a leisurely relaxed cosy family garden, in contrast to the recent horrors of WWII, â€Å"the backyard of the Keller household in the outskirts an American town â€Å", the description of the stage set is realistic homely and safe lifelike and not at all theatrical, but a highly familiar setting for the audience. The family backyard setting is an open space set in ‘ordinaryville’ where neighbours feel comfortable just walking into to start conversations. the ordinariness stage setting is emphasised â€Å"it would have cost fifteen thousand† .

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Economy Exam Questions Essay

1. The Prisoner’s Dilemma involves two spies who are held in separate soundproof rooms. But even if the two spies could communicate, what makes it difficult for them to achieve the cooperative solution (both not confessing)? 2. A key to analyzing subgame perfect equilibrium strategy in sequential games is 3. In making promises that are not guaranteed by third parties and in imposing penalties that are not enforced by third parties, all of the following are credibility-enhancing mechanisms except 4. The starting point of many methods for predicting equilibrium strategy in sequential games is 5. Credible promises and hostage mechanisms can support a continuous stream of cooperative exchanges except when 6. Firms that have a cover charge for their customers and charge for each item they purchase as well are exhibiting 7. Third-degree price discrimination exists whenever 8. To maximize profits, a monopolist that engages in price discrimination must allocate output in such a way as to make identical the ____ in all markets. 9. Vacation tours to Europe invariably package visits to disparate regions: cities, mountains, and the seaside. Bundling, a type of second degree price discrimination, is most profitable when 10. ____ is a new product pricing strategy which results in a high initial product price. This price is reduced over time as demand at the higher price is satisfied 11. Contracts are distinguished from tactical alliances by which of the following characteristics: 12. When someone contracts to do a task but fails to put full effort into the performance of an agreement, yet the lack of effort is not independently verifiable, this lack of effort constitutes a 13. When borrowers who do not intend to repay are able to hide their bad credit histories, a lender’s well-intentioned borrowers should 14. To accomplish its purpose a linear profit-sharing contract must 15. When retail bicycle dealers advertise and perform warranty repairs but do not deliver the personal selling message that Schwinn has designed as part of the marketing plan but cannot observe at less than prohibitive cost, the manufacturer has encountered a problem of ____. 16. The lower the barriers to entry and exit, the more nearly a market structure fits the ____ market model. 17. ____ yields the same results as the theory of perfect competition, but requires substantially fewer assumptions than the perfectly competitive model 18. ____ occurs whenever a third party receives or bears costs arising from an economic transaction in which the individual (or group) is not a direct participant. 19. The antitrust laws regulate all of the following business decisions except ____. 20. The sentiment for increased deregulation in the late 1970’s and early  1980’s has been felt most significantly in the price regulation of 21. The ____ depicts the risk-return relationship in the market for all securities: 22. If the acceptance of Project A makes it impossible to accept Project B, these projects are: 23. Capital expenditures: 24. The decision by the Municipal Transit Authority to either refurbish existing buses, buy new large buses, or to supplement the existing fleet with mini-buses is an example of: 25. Which of the following items is (are) not considered as part of the net investment calculation? 1. In the linear breakeven model, the difference between selling price per unit and variable cost per unit is referred to as: 2. Evidence from empirical studies of long-run cost-output relationships lends support to the: 3. Theoretically, in a long-run cost function: 4. In a study of banking by asset size over time, we can find which asset sizes are tending to become more prominent. The size that is becoming more predominant is presumed to be least cost. This is called: 5. A ____ total cost function implies that marginal costs ____ as output is increased. 6. In the linear breakeven model, the breakeven sales volume (in dollars) can be found by multiplying the breakeven sales volume (in units) by: 7. Long distance telephone service has become a competitive market. The average cost per call is $0.05 a minute, and it’s declining. The likely reason for the declining price for long distance service is: 8. All of the following are mechanisms which reduce the adverse selection problem except ____. 9. In the long-run, firms in a monopolistically competitive industry will 10. An â€Å"experience good† is one that: 11. The price for used cars is well below the price of new cars of the same general quality. This is an example of: 12. In the short-run for a purely competitive market, a manufacturer will stop production when: 13. Experience goods are products or services 14. Declining cost industries 15. In natural monopoly, AC continuously declines due to economies in distribution or in production, which tends to found in industries which face increasing returns to scale. If price were set equal to marginal cost, then: 16. When the cross elasticity of demand between one product and all other products is low, one is generally referring to a(n) ____ situation. 17. Regulatory agencies engage in all of the following activities except _______. 18. ____ as practiced by public utilities is designed to encourage greater usage and therefore spread the fixed costs of the utility’s plant over a larger number of units of output. 19. The practice by telephone companies of charging lower long-distance rates at night than during the day is an example of: 20. Some industries that have rigid prices. In those industries, we tend to 21. The existence of a kinked demand curve under oligopoly conditions may result in 22. Barometric price leadership exists when 23. A cartel is a situation where firms in the industry 24. Even ideal cartels tend to be unstable because 25. Some market conditions make cartels MORE likely to succeed in collusion. Which of the following will make collusion more successful?